First Magic Tournament In The Books!

First Magic Tournament In The Books!

As some of you know, Monkey has had the toughest transition of all our crew with this move. Finding a secular homeschooling crowd, and/or a group of people with a similar schedule and approach to the world has proved…interesting. Plus, we travel a lot, we chose to join a small church, and we’re pretty surly. (Just kidding on that last one.)

So, the lightbulb went on at Family-Fest last week. Uncle Scott has always been great about teaching the kids games, and Monkey especially loves the card game “Magic The Gathering.” She’ll have to write a post about how it is played, but she enjoys it and she’s good at it.

This afternoon she and I left Buds and the youngers to do all the clean up at church, and we headed to a comic book store about 30 minutes away that hosts Magic tournaments a couple times a week.

There were 11 players total, all male except for Monkey. She needed a complete deck, which she didn’t have, so the store owner borrowed a deck from another player who graciously loaned it to her. This meant she was playing with a “red” deck for the first time ever, with cards she’d never seen before, with a group of people she’d never met, in a tournament for the very first time.

Her first competition was a wonderful young man who was helpful, considerate, and complimentary of her skills. And she beat him 2 out of 3 rounds.

Her first game.
Her first game.

Her second opponent was also impressed with her skills.

“You haven’t played Magic before?!”

She explained that she’d played a few games before, had known about the game for quite awhile, but this was her first tournament.

She lost in the second round, but again played well and demonstrated her skill and grace under pressure.

We headed to Zaxby’s for a celebratory lunch, and I think we’ll be seeing a lot of Magic in our future.

Celebratory cookie!
Celebratory cookie!