
The Buster’s hair has never been a problem for us as far as societal parameters, but oh, the rats! The Templetons that boy had living in his hair finally got to be too much. Like his mother as a child, the boy has a very sensitive scalp, so even combing his hair caused pain, and trying to truly detangle all the knots was torture.
This morning he wanted to have it cut, and Buds and I were ready to make that happen.

The interesting thing about this particular haircut is that it was reminiscent of his very first haircut. With that first haircut, a decade ago, we had a dramatic age change. Before the hair cut, he was still my baby. After the hair cut, he was suddenly a little boy.
With the hair cut today, before the cut, he had the look of a near-teenager. After the hair cut, our little boy was back.
Haircuts through the ages seemed like a fine way to end this post.

Photo above by Gina.

Thick-haired brothers are fun!
Notice Buds with the goatee in the background.

And now we’ll let the hair grow again for a year or two.
And I’ll still always love this face.