A Few Tidbits

Two little things to share with you all:
1) This morning, Yessa was in the shower, singing her little heart out. I would have made a tape, but I knew she would have hated that, so I didn’t. (Do my children even know what “make a tape” means?)
I wish I could bottle the feeling and the moment. It was precious and beautiful, and when she’s leaving home someday, I’ll think back on it with such sweet heartache.

2) In the process of cleaning and organizing while I had my mom here for a visit, I came across an old insurance card. I think you can probably guess why I’ve hung on to it for all these years.

Someone was actively not giving a crap on this one.
Our last name, sure, it’s a doozy, but “Jennifer”? The most popular name for three decades?
You had one job, data entry person…one job.