Country Cousin Birthday

Country Cousin Birthday

For Cousin M’s birthday, Yessa and I took her out to see Paddington, then the restaurant of her choice, then back to our house for an overnight with much story-telling, some Uno, and a late bedtime.

I know we are now in the south because:

1) Paddington stars Nicole Kidman, who is a Nashville resident.

2) The restaurant of choice was Loveless Cafe, and it doesn’t get much more southern than that.

3) For part of their evening, the two young cousins played their fiddles together. (Okay, violins, but same thing.)

It all made me smile.

We started out with the whole theater to ourselves.
We started out with the whole theater to ourselves.
Tic Tac Toe at Loveless while we waited for our biscuits.
Tic Tac Toe at Loveless while we waited for our biscuits.

It was a lovely time for all of us.