Monkey Update

The red-head had 8 physical therapy sessions and did lots of stretching at home and after 6 weeks of this, her tailbone pain seems improved, but she is still having low back pain, and has added intermittent leg pain to the mix.
We loaded up all 5 of us and went to meet with the orthopaedic doc’s physician’s assistant today. Obviously we filled up the tiny patient room, but on the plus side, quickest appointment ever!
Nicole, the PA, was very open to our thoughts, and really listened respectfully to what Monkey shared about how the pain had or had not changed. After discussion about the options, we all agreed that having an MRI to ensure there are no other issues interfering with healing seemed like the conservative path forward.
A quick stop at Panera since we were all out the door before 7 a.m., then Monkey and I went for her MRI, and Buds and the youngers headed home. As Monkey and I headed into our 2nd hour of medical time, I was never more grateful to have a partner with a generally flexible schedule who can work from most anywhere.
The gentleman who helped us with the MRI was wonderful. He explained what was going to happen, including about the very loud noises, for which I was thankful. They were a surprise to both of us. He had ear plugs for both of us, as well as noise canceling headphones and a blanket for Monkey since the room is kept cold. There was a chair for me so I could sit close enough to hold her hand the entire time, and he even offered me a pillow since I was leaning against the machine to be able to reach her hand.
There was also an emergency escape bulb (my terminology) that Monkey held the entire time. If she had chosen to press it twice, the scan would have stopped immediately. It was a sphygmomanometer bulb, exactly hand-sized, and having that feeling of control had to make a big difference.
She handled herself beautifully, and we should hear from the doctor tomorrow on how the scan looks.
We’ll update when we know more, but several of you have asked how she’s doing, so, that’s the latest.