Happy Birthday, Nutmeg!

Happy Birthday, Nutmeg!

Our last surviving pet is 19 years old today. People’s eyes get a little bulgy when I tell them we have a cat who is 19. That’s outside the range of normal for most people.

Once we learned the world’s oldest cat lived to be 38 years old, Nutmeg seems like a mere kitten to us.

She’s a little thinner, a little slower. She has grown snugglier and more talkative over the years. She’s gotten a little eccentric, and has a few health issues, but she’s been a splendid companion for us.

With Brother Chance
With Brother Chance
Looking through the screen a the Delaware condo.
Looking through the screen a the Delaware condo.
As a youngster
As a youngster



Snuggled in
Snuggled in


2013-10-24 18.41.18

A warm, cozy place
A warm, cozy place
