More Massadoah Time

More Massadoah Time

We’re dropping back to the past for a few posts.

In July the kiddos and I headed up to VA to spend a week at Massadoah, beginning with a tubing weekend attended by lots of friends from our former church. A grand time was had by all, and getting time with lots of Massadoahans is always a bonus.

We love the Tastee Freeze in Woodstock.
We love the Tastee Freeze in Woodstock.
Hot day
Hot day
Ice cream...
Ice cream…
H brought his new sling shot.
H brought his new sling shot.
Headed off for a tubing adventure.
Headed off for a tubing adventure.
Visiting w/ Ms. Amanda.
Visiting w/ Ms. Amanda.
Laughter w/ M and C.
Laughter w/ M and C.
So glad to see these two.
So glad to see these two.
The tubes always need more air
The tubes always need more air
Board games
Board games
Lots of Board Games
Lots of Board Games
Sun and fun means a rest is needed.
Sun and fun means a rest is needed.

After everyone else left from the Tubing Weekend, the children and I made our plans for the week. I insisted on another visit to Shenandoah Caverns, which I love, and they indulged me. No pictures necessary.

We were very excited to check out the new Shenandoah Discovery Museum. We’d been to the old location multiple times, and loved it, and now in the new space, it had to be better. (You know where this is headed, right?)

On the roof
On the roof
Our son, the mop
Our son, the mop
Heart Facts
Heart Facts
Heart Beat Drum
Heart Beat Drum
Stringless instrument
Stringless instrument
In the long house
In the long house
Under construction
Under construction
Step 1
Step 1
Almost complete
Almost complete
All done
All done

As you guessed, the children were un-enamored with the new space. The Buster wandered all four floors, looking for two specific exhibits he was so hopeful they had moved over from the old space. Tiny heartbreak for him when he realized they had not been moved over. The girls found a couple things to like, but they, too, missed the cramped coziness of the old space. They were also frustrated at the stupidity of adults that someone had tied a knot in the rope for the apple pulley system, rendering it unusable for actual work.

Thanks to our Science Center membership from Nonni and Poppi, the museum was free, and after the children’s reaction, I was extra grateful for that.

All was not a total loss, though, because I had noticed a shoe store advertisement and when it turned out it was only a couple blocks away, the children and I headed down there. After at least a year of living with slippers that threatened to pour me out at any moment, I was able to replace these adored things.

Out with the old...
Out with the old…
In with the new...
In with the new…

Chris and Becky, two partners the children haven’t gotten to spend much time with, came to spend some time in The Valley, and Buster and Yessa took to them like bees to honey. It was really gratifying to me to see how open they were to the kids, and how much fun the kids had visiting with them. Friendship across all ages…

Chatting with Ms. Becky.
Chatting with Ms. Becky.

The week also held the treat of time with J and Crew, the whole story told here: An UnRulli Visit.

A few extra photos of that visit:

Let the laughter begin
Let the laughter begin
Birds of a feather
Birds of a feather
Jenny cleaned up a huge bug for me...I love her.
Jenny cleaned up a huge bug for me…I love her.
Outside another set of caverns.
Outside another set of caverns.
Fairy Kingdom Underground
Fairy Kingdom Underground
Space for A.J. He wanted no part of the picture.
Space for A.J. He wanted no part of the picture.
The long-hair twins
The long-hair twins
We seemed to be looking directly into the sun.
We seemed to be looking directly into the sun.

Finally, at the end of the week, we dyed Yessa’s hair in preparation for SUUSI.



It was a great week. Massadoah always revives me.