So Much To Share!

I’m dying to write up our visit with Jenny and Crew at Massadoah, and our time in Kansas City and Iowa, and the State Fair, seeing Teresa and Kathy, and meeting Jeremy, hanging with the ChanChan Clan, and so many other great people we saw, and what the kids have been up to…but work of all sorts keeps getting in the way. (As my brother always says, “When is Buds going to get rich and let us all retire?!”)
Two things I am sharing now:
1) Fantastic, amazing, blessed, miracle news: I’ve shared about my friend Schmilly’s battle with cancer. We had the chance to visit with her and her family on our drive to Iowa, and it was wonderful. The years dropped away as we laughed about our crazy year in Centennial Hall in college. She had been on hospice care for over a month.
Long story short, and you can read the actual story here: She’s OFF hospice care. It’s a blessing and a miracle and Christmas all rolled into one.
Feel free to include Schmill and her family in your thoughts and prayers. The world needs all the good people.
2) Less fun news, but thoughts and prayers also needed.
Monkey has been having back pain for awhile now. It has gotten significantly worse since we returned from Iowa. She’s an amazing stoic, but she’s feeling very frustrated and tired of it. We’re seeking medical help in various forms, and hopefully there are simple, direct answers, but I’d love to know that people who love her are sending healing thoughts out for her, too.
That’s all I got. Time to go be with the people that share my world in this little Shoebox of a home.