Two Funny Moments And The Old Man And The Sweater

Two Funny Moments And The Old Man And The Sweater

I went into town today to have lunch with our new employee. I parked at The Frist, and after lunch I ran inside to validate my parking and took 15 minutes to run through an exhibit I hadn’t gotten to see.

As I was crossing the street toward The Frist, the man walking from the other direction put his hand up in the air and said, “Can I get a crosswalk high-five?!”

Well, of course you can!

We high-fived, I hoped neither of us had wiped our noses on our hands, and I walked on with a smile.

Then, inside The Frist, I saw the security guard who stopped me a couple weeks ago to ask what shoes I was wearing. He was trying to get back into working out, and needed to find comfortable shoes. He wrote down the name, and we chatted for a few minutes, then went on with our day.

Today…he was wearing the shoes!

This tickled me in an entirely different way than the old man who was wearing my sweater.

Oh, wait, I haven’t shared “The Old Man And The Sweater” story on the blog.

I hate figuring out what to wear. I hate shopping. I hate clothes that don’t feel comfortable and soft.

I had a sweater that I purchased in Spain many years before I met Buds. I loved this sweater. It was big and bulky with chunky wooden buttons. Soft and so, so warm.

When we made the move from The Windy House to Northern Virginia, we down-sized by half. Everything was open to being donated. Buds and I were going through clothes together. Through some sort of nefarious means, he convinced me to donate the sweater. He didn’t much care for the sweater. Plus, I think he was still mad from all those years ago when his roommate and I donated his leather recliner. Me getting rid of the sweater would make us more even.

I donated the sweater to Goodwill one week, and the next week when I drove up to donate the next round of items, the older gentleman who came out to help me unload the truck was wearing my sweater.

Yup…old men and me…we like the same clothes.

I’m good with that.

My taste in shoes appeals to young men.
My taste in shoes appeals to young men.

I can’t find the link to the website where I snagged the above picture, but I didn’t take it. Sorry about that, ad photographer.

And Friend Todd made this awesome Venn Diagram to represent the above vignettes, in honor of John Venn’s 180th Birthday.
