Summer Garden

Summer Garden

Gardening in TN has been such a treat. We’ve gotten more produce from these gardens than from the three years I had a community garden in NOVA. That speaks more to my ability, but also the ease of walking out my own front door and being in a garden. The only drawback is that I didn’t put in more gardening space.

Bless Gina’s heart, she asked for a garden update, so now you all must suffer through one.

The backyard herb garden. Monkey and I created this together.
The backyard herb garden. Monkey and I created this together.
Making use of the stumps from the Spring tree removal.
Making use of the stumps from the Spring tree removal.
The front butterfly/bird garden.
The front butterfly/bird garden.

The space above was completely empty when we moved in. Fine for someone who likes to visit the Dead Sea on vacation, but not at all fitting for us. We moved the bird bath from the backyard and began Operation Life! in the front.

Front Veggie Garden
Front Veggie Garden

Tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, cabbage, cucumber, extra basil, and sugar snaps have all done great out front. Mustard greens and Swiss Chard have also thrived, but we don’t know what to do with them. The chipmunks have loved the strawberries, and this first year we are willing to share. I am much better at planning, planting, and weeding than I am at harvesting, so I keep hoping that someone else will find an inner love of gathering.

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Also out front I have another butterfly garden. It too has thrived, though I’ll need to find a way to bring some order back to chaos sometime in the future. For now, I just love seeing the butterflies flutter around.

When Nonni was here for Family Week, she and the younger girl cousins gathered flowers to make a bouquet indoors…again, my lack of harvesting vision showed.

The side yard holds many wonders:

Raspberries, sweet potatoes, and pumpkins in the front of this shot. Old umbrella stand to be used for climbing things next year.
Raspberries, sweet potatoes, and pumpkins in the front of this shot. Old umbrella stand to be used for climbing things next year.

This shot below shows Buddie’s desire/devotion to our “Berry Project.” He built the berry trellis this weekend, and we have high hopes for other berry patches around the house.

Note my rain barrels in the background. Those make me very happy.

Bud's Berry Patch
Bud’s Berry Patch

The side yard also contains our very, very happy watermelon plants.


Having these spaces brings me such peace and joy. I hope you all have such a space, too.

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