Words I Never Thought Would Exit My Lips...

Today I solved a coding problem.

Yup, you read that correctly.

I solved a coding problem…in Java.

It was an instantiation error, if you were wondering.

The background:

Monkey took/is taking a coding class.

Buster wanted to do it too, but felt too overwhelmed to start on his own, so I told him I’d do the class with him.

It is not intuitive for me, at all. It is using parts of this brain that have never fired a neuron before, but for love of the boy, we’re doing it together.

Today, not only did I work backwards to find the error, (To be totally honest, I have no clue what the error was, nor how it ended up fixed, but something was corrected, and it works correctly now.) but at one point Monkey and Yessa were gathered at the table with The Buster and me, Monkey giving tips from her superior coding knowledge, and Yessa saying, “Momma, can we take this class together, too?”

I looked deep into her sweet hazel, gold-flecked eyes and said, “Yes, Darling. We can take the class together, too.”

I guess I’ll be adding programmer to my resume.