Monkey Has A Plan

Monkey Has A Plan

Monkey doesn’t care much for the combing of the hairs.

She finally decided she’d had enough of the battle between her hair and her scalp, so last week she announced she was going out back with a pair of scissors and cutting her hair.

“Okay,” I said.

“I might need to do a little touch up,” I said.

“Okay,” she said.

She stood out by the fire pit and gave herself a hair cut. And she did a fantastic job.

2014-03-13 13.22.07

2014-03-13 13.22.10

2014-03-13 13.22.16

The pictures look more harsh than the cut deserves. I trimmed it up around the edges, but after a wash it has curled up beautifully. She got several compliments on it at church the next day.

She continues to amaze me with her verve and drive.