Springy Sunday

Springy Sunday

The weather here was gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous this weekend. Due to The Buster having a runny-nose induced melt down at Thena’s last night, we decided to have he and Monkey stay home from church with Buds to make sure they weren’t passing coughing germs on to any of the other kids.

By the time Yessa and I got home from church, they were feeling much, much better, which was a relief. Some church friends suggested allergies may be the true culprits, so we’ll have to investigate that.

Before the melt down, we had a fantastic time on Saturday night, though.

We loved the porch swing!
We loved the porch swing!

2014-03-08 16.30.42

2014-03-08 16.32.54

Thena made a fantastic dinner, and we started to play games, but mostly we talked and drank wine and talked and laughed.

Sunday was even more gorgeous, and the crew requested a bonfire for cooking dinner. We even decided we’d like to regularly make our meals outside in the fire pit, which could be very entertaining.

Roasted hot dogs.
Roasted hot dogs.
A fire and a book...ahhh...
A fire and a book…ahhh…

Our backyard neighbors came over to share s’mores with us. It was fun to share stories with them.

Monkey told me at least three times, “I love our new home.”

That gave me the feels.