Happy, Joyous Friday

Happy, Joyous Friday

Those lightning strikes of joy can hit at anytime!

I read this Storypeople shortly after I woke up, and it set the glorious tone for the day.

The crew and I were leaving Costco, and I reflected on our trip. Thanks to random chance, sometimes difficult choices, and some hard work, I was able to: Buy my children snacks from the snack bar; Purchase a new windbreaker for Monkey; Select two bags of plants for the new house; and Pick up a box of handmade cards to mail out to people that we love. These items are in addition to the food we needed for the week, and the extra fruit we picked up to share at Game Night at church tomorrow.

Oh, the ineffable wonder of being able to care for our family with ease: The ability to purchase not just needs but wants. So few people have this ability in our world.

Then to be able to purchase a newspaper and give out a gift bag on our drive home. Monkey took care of the whole transaction and offered the gift bag with grace, and it was graciously accepted.

For today, I’m not going to feel guilt about what the world doesn’t have. I’m going to simply be grateful for what we do have. And recognize that if all of this went away tomorrow…or tonight…we would still find beauty in the world.

Random obligatory picture that makes me smile.
Random obligatory picture that makes me smile.