Picture Perfect

Picture Perfect

There were two follow up conversations with friends about the Christmas post.

Todd wanted to understand more about the Gemignani Family Pictures I mentioned. I responded:

The Gemignani Family Albums is one of Chris’ parents’ truly inspired ideas. Every year they give each of us 5-7 pictures of family ancestors, pictures from when the siblings were little, pictures from before John and Mary had children, etc, and they write a story about the picture on the back. It’s been a great way to connect our children with the Gemignani family stories, as well as help me learn stories I might not otherwise know.

Todd agreed that was an inspired idea.

And then I got this cheeky email from April: Wafro? Seriously? Pics or it didn’t happen. 😉

Well, everyone, here you go:

Cute, sweet baby Jennie, playing the piano.
Cute, sweet baby Jennie, playing the piano.
No other way to put it...it's a wafro. The poodle and I were a matched pair.
No other way to put it…it’s a wafro. The poodle and I were a matched pair.

The comments I’ve gotten about the “Orphan Annie” photo:

Zach said, “Jennie, why did you let them use that picture?”

Monkey saw the photo and said, “Mom…there’s something wrong with your hair.”

In actuality, I love this picture. Frankly, it fully explains why I can’t care very much if the children have combed their hair or not when we leave the house. I wore the hair in that picture for 3 or 4 months, why do I care if Buster’s combed his mop.

Plus, that sweet girl in that curly mop was part of my path to get to the person I am today, and I like this person very much.

And I’m never getting a perm ever, ever again.