The Frist With Friends

The Frist With Friends

Exploring The Frist is excellent, exploring it with friends, and making new friends while we’re there was even better.

Ready to head in to create.
Ready to head in to create.
Water color creations
Water color creations
Such beautiful colors and images they create.
Such beautiful colors and images they create.
Printmaking-Step 1
Printmaking-Step 1
Printmaking-Step 2
Printmaking-Step 2
Step 3
Step 3
Etching deeply
Etching deeply
Step 3
Step 3

The two younger girls spent 30 minutes shooting 16-frame films. It was fascinating to watch them, the way they planned out what they wanted to do, realizing how limiting only 16 frames can be. I was grateful that it wasn’t a busy day so they could take their time and enjoy the creation process, as frustrating as it might be.

Shooting a film
Shooting a film
Shutter by Shutter
Shutter by Shutter

2013-11-10 14.42.35

2013-11-10 14.47.26

2013-11-10 14.47.31

2013-11-10 14.58.41

Creation in a box
Creation in a box
Fiber creations
Fiber creations
Framed cat
Framed cat
Digital creation
Digital creation

2013-11-10 15.39.45

Magnetic blocks
Magnetic blocks

2013-11-10 15.48.45

I was struck by the brilliance of the Frist in having the magnetic blocks by the entrance to the ArtQuest area, and putting benches for the parents right by them. Another mom and I had a 20 minute conversation while our group of 5 girls created and built and laughed together. The blocks are entrancing for all ages, and they serve as a gentle entrance to the creation area, if your children notice them at the beginning. Or, for us, they served as a gentle exit as the girls fashioned one last structure, then we headed out into the waning light.

On our way home
On our way home