A Joy-Filled Day

Exciting things happened today, folks.

It’s a gorgeous Sunday here in The South, and in addition to making time to get my haircut, we also went to church.

I finally felt moved to stand up and introduce our family. (After attending for 6 or so weeks, it seemed about time.) Plus, Buds stood up to make the introduction when we tried out the other UU church in town, so it was definitely my turn.

Then, we stayed for lunch, where I sat at a table with several other women and got to visit for 15 minutes or so.

AND, we signed up to be the lunch preparers in December. (At the new church, they eat lunch together every Sunday after the service.)

AND, we agreed to provide some baked goods to sell at the church bazaar in December.

Finally, most important of all, an elderly woman came up to me at the luncheon and said, “What church in Virginia did you attend?” (During our introduction, I said we had come from a very large UU church in Virginia.)

“UUCF,” I responded proudly.

“My husband and I were one of the founding members of that church. We started that church!” They had been at All Souls, but were living in Falls Church, and wanted somewhere closer to home.

I thanked her with all my heart for the wonderful, life-changing gift they had given us.

What a small, splendid, gorgeous, delicious world we live in.