Yessa Did It!

Yessa Did It!

A much longer post may follow about my learning to balance being a supportive parent, while making sure that our children have room to stretch, and grow, and fail…and succeed.

For now, I simply want to record the fantastic effort by Yessa to pass the swimming test at The Y.

Encouraged with firm, kind support by Ms. Chelsie, she jumped into the deep end, motored her way down the pool, and came out victorious. She’d been thinking and talking about it for days. She had many questions for me in the quiet of bedtime snuggles.

“Do I have to keep my head under the whole time?”
“Can I only swim freestyle?”
“What if I don’t want to do it?”

She told me afterward, “I just kept saying to myself, ‘you can do it, you can do it!'”

Such a well-earned victory.

The Little Fish and her green wristband of success.
The Little Fish and her green wristband of success.

And then she slid down the slide on the same day!

The pink blur is the girlie.
The pink blur is the girlie.
