Labor Day 2013

Labor Day 2013

We had a delicious dinner and great fun swimming with cousins on our first day back from vacation. Thanks to Aunt A and Uncle Z for hosting us for a relaxing afternoon.

Dad tosses.
Dad tosses.
Monkey makes a leap.
Monkey makes a leap.
Yessa is the queen of jumps.
Yessa is the queen of jumps.

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Uncle Z gets a knee to the head.
Uncle Z gets a knee to the head.

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Uncle Z is a ballerina.
Uncle Z is a ballerina.
Easily the highest leap of the day for anyone...of course, everyone else was 11 and under.
Easily the highest leap of the day for anyone…of course, everyone else was 11 and under.
Buddie learns to flip.
Buddie learns to flip.
Brother double flips.
Brother double flips.

It’s a good thing we had the pool to ourselves.

Happy End of Summer.