A Saturday Shoebox Update

Several more informative, long posts are in the works, but I wanted to toss out a quick Saturday morning post. It has been an eventful weekend already, and I love capturing these little moments of joy…or not so much joy.
We had our first family movie night in The Shoebox. We have the perfect little nook in the basement for movie watching, and we will be taking full advantage of it.

Aunt A and Cousin O stopped in shortly after the start of movie night. They had been out getting ice cream to celebrate O’s first day of school. His visit led to a quick round of wrestling, a little Minecraft Show-And-Tell, and promises of seeing each other soon.
The “soon” will have to be extended in definition because The Buster awakened at 12:40 a.m. with “the schooks.” If you are not familiar with “the schooks,” then you didn’t know my college roommate Sherri and her now husband, Kevin. This was a term for illness they created when they were in high school. Delicately put, having the schooks means, in car lingo, that you have negative emissions from both your engine and your exhaust.
The schooks are never, ever fun.
The Buster bore it like a trooper, though. They lasted until about 5 a.m. when we both were able to finally collapse to sleep for more than 30 minutes.
Yessa came in three different times during this period. The first two, I tried to go snuggle with her in her own bed until she could fall back to sleep, but Buster always needed me before she was zonked out. On the third visit, she came to our bedroom door, said, “Zachawee, I’m sorry you are sick. Mama, can I just curl up in a corner with a pillow and blanket to be close to you?”
And that is what she did. She made herself a little mouse nest and snuggled back to sleep on the floor.

During one of the awakenings when Buster was in the shower, she woke up enough to tell me, “I’m sorry Zachawee is sick, but this is working out pretty well for me. This is quite comfortable.”
Lest you think Buds wasn’t pulling his full share, he was. He was up and down with us the first hour or two, but then finally we realized it would be better if he could get some sleep so he could be on morning duty. It ended up working out well because he got some solid slumber, then The Buster and I slept until close to 10 a.m. while Buds got up with the girls.
This morning, all is returning to normal. It’s a gorgeous day here:

Buds and the girls are out running errands, including buying our new housewarming laundry baskets from Paula, Kelly, Kate and Betty, and looking at furniture.

Buster is feeling better, or at least feeling grateful to be done throwing up. We’ll take our victories where we can get them.
More memories being made in The Shoebox.