Yessa Laughter

Buds and Yessa spent a pleasant 20 minutes playing “Feed The Kitty.” This was a game from Beloved Friend Shoshie many years ago, back before Monkey could read. I always love when we play this game because it reminds me of how thoughtful Shosh was in picking out this game. Though Monkey read at a later age than children in school are expected to, it was never treated as a big deal by her homeschooled friends, for which I will always be thankful.
Anyway, I was trying to work on dinner while Buds and Yessa played, but I had to stop and take pictures because Yessa’s cackling was so infectious. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.
This child goes helpless with laughter sometimes. Buds and I both get a huge amount of joy in watching her breathless with the humor in a situation. I’m so thankful for these moments.