Bingo Night

As an auction offering, the DRE and RE Admin. from church held a bingo night fundraiser. Around 7 or 8 tables of families and friends gathered to play bingo for a couple hours while raising money for UUCF.
As is often the case, Buds provided my favorite memory of the night.
Shockingly, Buddie had never played bingo before, so he was intrigued to see how things went. Apparently I didn’t explain the process to him very well.
We got settled in at our table with our cards and pips, and when the first number was called, “O64,” Buds turned to me with a huge, pleased grin on his face.
“O64? 064! I have 064!”
He thought he’d won and was so excited for his first chance to yell, “Bingo!”
After I caught my breath from laughing, I explained the rules to him. He’s such a good sport, we laughed a ton the rest of the night thinking about his excitement at “winning.”
The big girls served as bingo callers while the littles and Dad helped roll the bingo ball and place the circles in their spots.
One of the tables was ridiculously more lucky than the rest of us, but we all had a great time, and everyone won at least once, except Monkey. Still, Addie was a wonderful friend and chose a gift for Zoe with her first win. It was a great night for everyone.
As a special aside, Addie lost a tooth during RE class, which brought a little excitement to everyone, and we went out for pizza with Kel and the girls between church and bingo. It was a very full weekend.