Nonni Makes A Visit

Nonni Makes A Visit

Monkey just pointed out to me that I have been remiss in getting up a post about the few days Nonni spent with us and Cousins before we headed up to Vermont.

She’s so correct.

Monkey and Nonni settled in for a visit.
Monkey and Nonni settled in for a visit.
Reading together
Reading together


While Buds and I were out in The Valley, Monkey and Friend were getting their picture taken with the Rich Froning, The Two-Time Fittest Man In The World, or "Chris' CrossFit Idol."
While Buds and I were out in The Valley, Monkey and Friend were getting their picture taken with the Rich Froning, The Two-Time Fittest Man In The World, or “Chris’ CrossFit Idol.”

Nonni stayed with our children on Saturday night so Buds and I could attend our first Partner’s Weekend overnight. The kids did great, and Buds and I had a fantastic time. (Post to follow on that.)

They roamed around our neighborhood and did a survey and rating of all the playgrounds they could find that were close to us. They ate lots of pizza and enjoyed having Nonni all to themselves.

Thanks, Nonni.