Being Nothing
My friend, Kelly, had this on her wall today: “If only you knew what bliss I find in being nothing.” –Rumi
In many ways I love having tags to hang on myself: Homeschooler, CrossFitter, Unitarian Universalist, and because with those tags come beloved communities, they bring me a feeling of love and purpose.
What if we had no tags? What if people didn’t see a white, middle-aged, relatively affluent, liberal, soccer Mom-type, when they saw me tooling around in my car? What if our eyes were blind to stereotypes and preconceptions? What if I had to get to know you to know you?
I’m trying. I’m trying to take those stereotypes when I recognize them and bring them into the light. They often turn into puff and smoke. And when the smoke clears, there stands the other person, with a welcoming grin. Ready to welcome me, the real me.