Another Work Weekend

Another Work Weekend

We spent last weekend out in The Valley,(Actually started this post in November, hence, it was not last weekend.) bonding with other partners, cleaning out the gazillion mouse poops now that the mouse infestation has been “handled,” and making progress on the tree house.

Due to the aforementioned mouse issue, Team Gemignani split up. I was out of the house at the crack of a.m. to pick up Chris F. to head out to Lowe’s. We rented a truck and loaded it with tree house supplies.

I love driving the big rigs.
Chris was the brains of the operation in figuring out how to stack the wood so we could travel safely.
Joe, our Lowe’s Buddy who helped us get answers to many questions.

We headed out for Massadoah with our load of tree house. After only a few stops on the Zen Road to push the slipping wood to the center of the truck, we arrived at the Happy Homestead, off-loaded the wood, grabbed a cup of coffee with the freshly awakened Partners who had stayed at the house overnight, then began cleaning out the attic of mouse-friendly items…which meant everything.

Everything must go!

My first trip to the big dump, which was exciting for all.

Marie Ann found this cool stack of smushed aluminum cans.

We really got our money’s worth from the rented truck. After the dump we headed to the garden center for mulch.

Then off for a load of mulch.

Mia and the kids were there when we returned to the house, and my crew showed up not long after. It was a gorgeous day to be working outside, and the kids wandered between helping with the mulch, playing inside and out, and just enjoying themselves.

So happy to see Mia. I hugged her next, but no one took a picture.
I’m a cat, I’m a kitty cat…
It was a big pile of mulch. We were all glad there wasn’t more.
The Buster liked to dance around with the pitch fork.
My sweet guy. I love being out in The Valley with him.
Only a real man could wear this hat.
The mulched beds look fantastic!

And, of course, there had to be a fire! A really, really big fire!

The master fire builder.
The kids love when Hayden rallies them for fire building bonding.
The Buster is imagining his wood as a weapon in this picture, I guarantee.
Notice the clothes Yessa is wearing. These are the only clothes she had for the weekend. This will go down in family lore.
A nest was found!
A little more mulch hauling.
Another weapon.
Looks awesome.
Ready for winter.

I’m so grateful that our two families all get along so well. The kids enjoy time together a great deal, and keep each other so entertained it allowed the adults to work on lots of projects inside and outside, which was a great feeling, too.

One of many games played.
Games and books…makes my heart swell.
She’s cute no matter what.
Planning, sharing.
Sweetest face ever!
Hayden brought a Guinness Book of World Records, and the kids ate it up.

It was another wonderful time in the Valley, and a reminder to all of us that sharing this house is both labor of love and bearing responsibility. All good lessons.