The Yessa Has A Birthday!

The Yessa Has A Birthday!

It finally arrived! The birthday for the youngest. She’s been excited in her quiet, introspective way.

Nonni bought her a gift when she was here a couple weeks ago. A box arrived from Grandma Iowa earlier this week. Our gift to her came in the mail the night before her birthday. We let her pick the museum we went to on Tuesday because her birthday was coming. It’s been a week of birthday fun.

But, the big fun was the party last night.

Yessa requested a Hello Kitty cake. Since Hello Kitty is a simple design, I thought I could make this happen. Luckily, my neighbor who actually knows how to decorate cakes gave me the way to do it when I went over to borrow her cake decorating tackle box.

Find a template online:

Hello, Sweet, Simple Kitty!

Put a piece of parchment paper over the template, and outline in black frosting. Then flip the parchment paper onto the cake. Voila! Color in the lines with frosting!

Stay in the lines.

If I’m not careful, between the birthday cakes and the jack-o-lantern success, I might start to believe I have a crafting bone somewhere in my body. Probably one of those ear bones.


I knew Cousin O would probably prefer something besides a Hello Kitty cake, so we created a special one for him, too.

Time was running a little short, so Uncle Z agreed to be the cake turner to help move the process along.

Sustenance in preparation for cake duty.
You spin, I’ll squirt.
Another victory. That’s a smiley face at the bottom, suggested by Monkey.

Aunt A and Uncle Z and their crew had the first seating at Chez Gemignani.

A little playing, a little eating, a little candle blowing.

Here comes the cake.
Get ready!
Big puff!

After a little cake eating, Z and A and their crew had to head home.

Then, the second seating arrived.

Betty, Kate, and their moms arrived next. Betty made Yessa a beautiful bracelet with three hearts hanging from it to symbolize Yessa, Kate, and Betty. Yessa has worn it non-stop since she received it.

Shortly after, Chloe, Hayden, and their folks were at the door. Since Monkey was at book club, Zachary was thrilled to have Hayden and his MineCraft ability arrive. The boys disappeared upstairs after a quick snack.

The four little girls also disappeared after a quick bite to eat. There was great rumpusing play upstairs. Much giggling, some shrieking, and lots of running and door slamming. They had a great time together.

Chloe brought Yessa a very cool bracelet crafting kit which she and I broke in today. I swear…I might become craftenabled some day.

Lots of talking, more singing, some great food, more laughter, and insightful conversation. It was a fantastic night for kids and adults.

Paula pitched right in to help get the second round of meals going.
Let the baby play begin!
Opening Chloe’s gift.
Buds had the girls playing a modified version of “Twister” on our patterned rug. They loved it!
Settled in for a snack.
Ahh, time to sit and visit. Mia was naughty, so she got the plastic margarita glass.
Hello Kitty’s candles got blown out during the singing.
The girls all snuggled on our bed to watch a movie.

What a wonderful birthday it was for Yessa. Now she has to use two hands to show her age.

Thanks for being a blessing, sweet girl.