Our Church Home

Our Church Home

We were back to church for the second Saturday in a row, and I looked down the pew to Beloved Kelly again this week and said, “Kelly, I’m so glad to be back here.”

“I know,” she nodded in agreement, complete understanding on her face.

This week the children started in the sanctuary with us. There were several songs, a couple stories, chalice lighting, and several readings before the children left.

Yessa, and best buds Kate and Bets spent some of their time in their “cave” between the chairs.

Friends and laughter

To hear Buds and Monkey singing together is another joy.

It was a rockin’ song.

I was interested to see how Noa would handle the transition down to RE after starting in the sanctuary. Kate and Betty were very excited and hopeful that she would come to RE, unlike last week when she chose the sanctuary with Buds and me.

She agreed to walk down the hill, with me in tow. I had hopes of getting back up the hill for the sermon, but this was not the weekend for that to happen.

Margo was teaching and she had great activities for the children, which Yessa was definitely intrigued by, and she sat on the floor with the other children. She was relieved that she could say, “Pass,” during the check in time, and she let other adults help her with the activities. But then another set of hands was needed for the activities, and as soon as I got involved, my help was required till the end. It was much more fun once I started helping. It really is such a wonderful group of children.

In a beautiful example of how much friends care for each other, Buds got caught up in visiting with friends after the service, so Kelly and Paula walked down the hill to collect all of us. Kelly had my purse and our activity bag, which Buds had left in the sanctuary. She said, “This is your’s right?” I love how we watch out for each other and each other’s children.

As we meandered our way up to the playground, Paula tossed out the idea of dinner at a diner, and we caught that ball with a big grin! Had a lovely dinner together, with much laughter, some complaining, children playing and giggling under the table, and 2 big kids with their glasses on, noses disappearing into huge books, oblivious to the rest of the world.

On the drive to the diner, Buds, fresh for the secure glow of conversation after the service said, “Our church just has the most amazing people in the world. Every time we talk with people there…every time…we come away so thankful.”

And grateful to belong.