More bespectacled...

Yessa had been fussing and fighting her glasses. I could understand the physical discomfort that comes from getting used to glasses, but this was something different. She said the world looked blurry through the glasses, hence she was spending a lot of time looking over her glasses, like a rather cantankerous little old lady.

Back we went to the spectacles store today to have another exam.

New doctor, quick exam, definitive answer, and much, much more information.

Yessa is very far-sighted in her right eye, which has probably been making that eye kowtow to the left eye for all up-close work and reading. When she puts the glasses on, that eye is being forced to do its share of the work, and that can feel strange and disconcerting.

The doctor said rather than wearing the glasses all the time, as was the original recommendation, since she is homeschooled and I’m able to be with her to help with this transition, she will only need to wear the glasses for tasks that are arm’s length and closer. And she may need to start by wearing them only 30 minutes at a time and gradually increasing as she builds up tolerance.

The great news is, unlike with near-sightedness, which, once you catch it, you’ve got it until you choose laser eye surgery, far-sightedness can be grown out of. That right eye may fall back into the normal range as the eyes work together better. Catching it early gives great hope for this.

Yessa and I both felt good about the appointment. She likes that she has control over wearing them, and I am grateful to have a much better understanding of what is going on with her eyes.

Huge feeling of success for both of us after we got home, and she went upstairs to work on the computer, then ran back down to grab her glasses. Ownership; it means a lot.