Reading Time

Reading Time

I’ve been looking back over pictures, and thinking about the flow of our days. Especially now that The Buster is enjoying reading so much, too, we spend A LOT of our day reading, reading, reading. For Buds and me, it brings us such a peaceful joy to see the children so alive to the wonders that books offer.

Reading with Grandma--Even when you can read for yourself, it's still fun to be read to.
A snuggly blanket and a pile of books...ahhhhh...
Even the cat wants to see the pictures.

Dad begins the indoctrination of "The Lord Of The Rings."
"Time Traveler" has been money well spent.
The broken arm didn't hinder reading.
Princess pajamas and a book...perfect.
Lovely light
Yessa can get anyone to read her a story.
Buster likes being the teacher.
Snuggled in
Plenty of room on this couch for a book and a snuggle.