
Quite a few things going on here this week. Buds is down in Atlanta for a big “Pi Day” meet and greet with Juice Fans. Kids and I doing our normal routine, but add in the joy of perfect weather. We sat on a blanket in the yard and read this morning, then got TOO HOT, and moved to the shade of our own front porch. Kids and I were all up by 6 a.m. so they could go to CrossFit with me this morning. First running WOD of the Spring for me.
Finally, Zoe goes on Friday to see if the cast gets to stay off. We’ve all got our fingers crossed for that one.
I’ll be filling in the missing info. on our Disney trip, broken arm pictures, day-to-day insights, and our visit with the Lombardi’s in Florida. Oh, and we’ve already gotten our first trip of the Spring into Massadoah. Um…it was heavenly.
Spoiler alert on the Massadoah trip, it was so beautiful, there were some hunny buns playing outdoors in the spring.