So grateful...
This isn’t exactly the place to put this, but since only people I love and trust read my blog, it’s okay. I just don’t want this moment to be lost to time.
Buds and I completed this WOD this morning:
AMRAP in 15 minutes of:
- 10 calories on rower
- 25 double unders
As we always do, we spent the 30 minutes before Buds left for work talking about the workout, who we worked out with, funny things people said or did, what we felt good or deflated about. It’s our couple’s therapy for the morning.
Then, as I walked Buds to the door, I said, “Dropping another 10 pounds will make DU’s that much easier.” He turned to me and said, with a catch in his throat, and a shimmer in his eyes, “I’m so proud of you. So proud after all these years of struggling with food, and you’ve kicked its ass.”
I’m not doing any sort of justice to what he said because he was much more eloquent, kind, sincere, and just so…full of love. Despite the amazing wonder of our relationship, the path to healthy eating often has felt like a lonely one, and today was the first day I fully understood that he felt my anxiety and fear and sorrow and despair through all those years. It was a burden he carried alone, too.
Thank you, Buds, for noticing how hard I’ve fought, how far I’ve come, and how much it means that you were there with me every step of the way.