Christmas In Vermont, 2011

Once again this year, Buds and the children headed to the Northeast to celebrate the holidays with Buddie’s family.
They returned home yesterday, and it sounds like they had a fantastic time. The trip started with a visit to Uncle Tony and Aunt Liz and Olivia’s new house, which got high marks for beauty and fantastic decor, as all their homes have. (Buddie wants Liz to come decorate our house. I’m scared to hang up pictures now because he told me it looked like someone with a mental illness hung the ones in the family room.)
Then, over to Gran and Gramps’ house on the side of the mountain on the west side of Vermont. On their second day there, it snowed 15 inches, to everyone’s great delight. Toasty fire, sledding, snow eating, and time with Grandma and Grandpa. A pretty perfect Christmas.
Zachy playing on the big rock.
The “5” is confused by the snow.

All photos by Grandpa John.