Spring Court of Awards

We celebrated the end of the Girl Scouting year last weekend. Monkey finished up her 4th year as a Girl Scout, and what a treat it has been. She has met two of her bestest buddies through GS, and so many other girls that she loves to spend time with. In addition, I like all the moms a great deal. Groovy Mona and I volunteered to organize the ceremony, and each of the leaders presented the awards to their troops.
That’s another aspect I love about our Girl Scout troop: Since it is a homeschooling troop, all the ages meet together in the same building, at the same time. Next year we’ll have Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, and Cadettes all meeting at the same time. The girls share an opening circle at the start of meetings, in addition to sharing several fun festivities throughout the year, so they get to spend time across groups pretty frequently.
Yessa is thinking about being a Daisy next year. She wants to be reassured that I will be in the room with her for at least the first couple meetings. She knows Ms. Jennifer and Ms. Louisa who are the Daisy leaders, and she loves playing with several of the girls who are or will be Daisies. (Anna Banana is her very bestest friend, and will start Girl Scouts next year, too.) We’ll see how she feels at the start of the year. I’m hopeful that she will decide to do it, mainly because I think she’ll adore it, but also because then she, Zoe, and I can go to Camp Winona together next year.
Here are some assorted pictures from the ceremony:
Zoe waiting for the Brownies’ turn to be presented their awards.
Monkey reading the various awards to be presented.
Receiving her awards from the Beloved Ms. April.
Standing with Best Bud, Alex, waiting for awards.
Girl Scouts is another way we mark how Zoe has grown during the year. She learns new things, not the least of which is planning and organizing and reaching consensus with a group of friends.
She’ll be a Brownie one more year, and then on to Juniors. She and I are headed back to Camp Winona this summer, with even more friends going along for the fun this year! It’s one of my favorite times of the year.