Another Colorado Day...

Breakfast at Lucile’s, and Buddie tried the blueberry lemon yogurt pancakes, which were deliciously light. (I have a picture of them, but I suspect you all know what pancakes look like. These look no different, they just taste better.)
After Lucile’s a walk back home to accomplish some work–Juice work and auction work. Then we tumbled into the car for a drive over the mountain to Estes Park. We drove up to 9200 feet, which was exhilarating, and a little nauseating, all at the same time. We popped into the tourist information center and found no information of use to us, but when we walked back out the door, my wonderful, interesting, always-up-for-fun Buds said, “Let’s walk in the river.”
I’ve had my walk in a crystal, blue, mountain stream, thanks to my Buds.
The water was up over our knees out toward the middle. After we had reached the other side, Buds decided he wanted to walk down toward the waterfall, just to see how fast the fast-moving water felt.
He discovered it got deeper and deeper, as well as faster and faster. In addition, he started talking with the man walking across the bridge who is a fly-fishing tour guide. He showed us video on his iphone from May when the river was so high from the snow melting up in the mountains that the water was gushing over the metal bar right above Buddie’s head, right under the bridge. It was awesome. (Another example of technology changing the world. A few years ago he would have described the awe-ing force of the water, which would have been great. Now, he shows it to us.)
We then wandered into a t-shirt store after grabbing a pizza and found a t-shirt for good-hearted Vanessa who is house-sitting for us. She’s had to deal with pets throwing up, pooping in the house, Chip telling her that he’s supposed to be taken on hour-long walks, and then, at the end of last week, the freezer decided to make a lake in our kitchen and it turns out the fridge is broken. I don’t think she believes me anymore that things aren’t generally like that at our house. She’s such a kind, wonderful person. She’s never had pets, so this is all new ground to her, and she’s been a saint. We found a t-shirt that says, “Confidence is how you feel before you really understand what you are getting into.” It seemed to fit the situation.
We drove back to The Nest to get ready for the 4-miler in Eldorado Springs that we signed up for, then made the team decision that we wanted to stay close to home, so we went out for a great run/walk on the Boulder River Path. It was beautiful! These are a few of the sights from the workout:
The little rock piles in the middle of this picture are very indicative of Boulder. Little touches of peace and beauty in surprising places.
After the workout we headed home, slow and leisurely, talking about the day, and how glad we were we skipped the race and ventured out on the incredible path in the middle of town. We passed by this little tableau:
This also provides tremendous insight into the Boulder way of being. Notice the old-style bike on the left, which one of the young women took the time to decorate with the perfect gladiolas. The piano on the right we passed most days on our way to The Nest from Pearl Street. Buddie even played it. One of the young women was working on fixing it as we walked by in this scene. At times it was like walking through The Truman Show as the families biked past us, in the 78 degree, zero humidity weather, in our walks around Boulder.
We had our leftovers from Lucile’s for dinner, then worked for awhile. I tried to watch some of the “My Lovely Universe” DVD’s we chose as our educational project for the week, and it was lovely to fall asleep to.