
I’ve been thinking about blogging–

  • how much I love the writing and thinking of ideas.
  • how much I love writing things that will make Monkey laugh.
  • how much I will love reading these posts many years from now.
  • how I am creating what will become our family history by what I choose to write and non-write.
  • how blogging indicates that I believe I have something to say that is worth reading.
  • how I think about blogging all the time.
  • how true this has become (except not about sex, just about life in general.)

Good or bad, blogging has changed my life.  I think for the good.

Oh, and it reminds me of how much of a call-out my friend Mia gave me.  I talked about being sort of shy or not necessarily wanting attention, and she looked at me like I had two heads and something along the lines of, “Your dream is to stand up in front of people and talk.  Aren’t these two things at opposite ends of the spectrum?!”  (Okay, that is completely my rendition of what she said, but Mia is my backbone-of-steel-with a loving-outer-coating friend who always keeps me honest.)