Happy Birthday To Me

Tomorrow, Sunday, August 1 is my 40th birthday. There are fun things planned for tomorrow, but today, just the way it worked out, ended up being just about the perfect birthday day for me.
We all got up and headed over to Z and A’s to see their new construction. That was really cool to see, and it’s going to look beautiful.
Then, our crew went out for breakfast at the Silver Diner. We had a relaxed, laughing time there. A quick stop at Trader Joe’s, then a run to our garden plot to pick a gazillion tomatoes from a friend’s garden since she’s out of town and said we could. Then home to be together. I ended up spending several hours outdoors gardening while the kids played their version of Battleship on the sidewalk in the shade. Buds brought me out a glass of Snapple Tea, and we looked at each other and shook our heads and laughed: A beautiful day, happy children, gardening, being together. Thank you, God, I am so blessed.
Playing tic-tac-toe at The Silver Diner
This afternoon we took the kids to see Despicable Me, which Buds and I had pre-viewed to be sure the kids would like it. The Monkey and Yessa cackled, especially Monkey. The Buster spent most of the movie on my lap, asking me to cover his eyes while he plugged his ears. Since I had seen the movie I was able to tell him everything that was coming up, and to reassure him that all would be well and well. Yessa kept saying to him, “Evwyfing will be allwight.” On the drive home he said he loved it as much as How To Tame Your Dragon, so…who knows?!
Everyone was starving after the movie, so we voted on where to go. Everyone else wanted to go to Potbellies, so, even though it was my birthday weekend, I lost.
A fun meal, spent playing 20 Questions. (Geez, I love playing games with these kids!) Then, home again, home again, jiggety-jog.
We popped over to feed the neighbor’s pets since he’s out of town for the night, which is always fun since he has 2 bunnies and 2 guinea pigs. They are squeaky fun.
Little ones to bed, and now I’m off to help Zoe start cleaning her room.
“Mom, when it’s something I don’t want to do, it’s hard for me to get started, but then, once someone helps me get started, I get excited to do it.”
How can I resist a plea for help like that?!
What a perfectly perfect day for me.