Happy Halloween!!!

What a great time we had tonight for the spooky holiday!
Chris’ Mom, Mary, and his sister, Rebecca, and her two children, Megan and Miles, came into town for Cousin Owen’s Birthday party, so we headed over to Aunt Andrea and Uncle Zach’s house tonight to play, have great food, and then all go trick-or-treating together.
Besides getting to spend time together, and trekking around with the sprites watching them pull in the loot, my favorite part was watching the kids and Grandmas versus the Dads and Aunt in a game of tackle football. The adults won, which might seem harsh that they didn’t let the young ones win, until you consider it won’t be too many more years where they won’t have to fight for their lives to even stay in the game.
A rousing game of soccer was also thrashed around in the cul-de-sac. A young neighbor excitedly asked to join in, and hollered, “What’s the score?” “Nobody knows” he was told, and nobody really cared. (Well, actually Chris told him the score was 14-1, which helped him decide the team he wanted to play for.)
We did a great job representing the full gamut of Halloween costume options. We had:
A monkey
A bear
A bumblebee
A bluebird
A princess
Buzz Lightyear
And Darth Vader.
I guess we were a little heavy on the animal side of things. But good grief they were all so cute.
Oh, and I should mention what the non-sport oriented contingent was doing:
They love the babies.
Thanks for a great evening.