Nailed That Watermelon Cake

Nailed That Watermelon Cake

The Southern Gems hosted Family Week last week, and since we have 13 birthdays and anniversaries in June-August, we had a celebration. I picked up cupcakes from Costco so everyone could blow out a candle on a cupcake, but since I’m not a cake fan, I wanted to do something extra.

I’ve seen cakes like this before, and this seemed like a great time to try it out:

The Inspiration- Thanks to for the pic.
The Inspiration- Thanks to for the pic.

Despite having little craft ability, I remain ever hopeful that my vision will come to fruition.

The Outcome
The Outcome


Well, I have trotted out some crazy cakes in my years, but this one…even I couldn’t bring it out for public humor. We washed off the watermelon and cut it up.

I sent out the pics to a couple friends, and Friend Mia wrote back exclaiming, “What are you doing with Darth Vader’s head?! Put his mask back on, please!” So, back to the drawing board on the watermelon cake idea.

No one needed to know, until now. I knew it would make the kids laugh, so here you go.

Party On!