NYC 2025-Day 10 and Done

It seemed fitting that the RIT pillars greeted us as we walked toward our Amtrak train.
New Jersey made one last attempt to confound us this morning by announcing at the last minute that the train that would take us directly from Jersey City to Penn station to catch our train home was delayed. Ha,ha, suck it, Jersey, because Buds had planned for this potentiality, and we jumped on the just-arriving train to the World Trade Center where we then jumped on the subway to Penn station. Once we were on the island of Manhattan, we breathed a sigh of relief. We could walk to Penn station if we had to.
But we didn't.
The train car is very full with folks headed back to Rochester. We're across the aisle from each other, but we both have pleasant seat mates, so it should be a fine journey.

This afternoon we'll be home! It's been a grand adventure, and I'm ready to be back to our regular, wonderful life.