Babs' Update-With Her Permission

Since many of you know and love Babs, I wanted to let you know she had a fall last week. She's home and doing fine, and the only potential break was a possible fracture in her hand, which is being treated by wearing a brace.
She was in the exercise room at her apartment complex, and there was a lot of blood due to the head wound, so when my brother got the call that she was in an ambulance on the way to the hospital, "It looked bad and there was a lot of blood," were the bits of information he was given. As you can imagine, we were both worried when he called me on his drive to Lutheran Hospital.
Possibly because she has a "frequent visitor" punch card at this hospital, Mom was taken from the ambulance into an exam room and cared for right away. This is in sharp contrast to the fall last year when she broke her hip and had to sit in the waiting room for hours.

The head wound required stitches and she peeled the skin off her arm in an impressive manner. Imagine a woman wearing long, white, silky gloves that have slipped down to her wrists, and you'll have an idea of how papery skin can be. I won't share those pictures.
We were all incredibly grateful that she was seen quickly; head scans were negative for concussion, and the wounds could all be dealt with at home, so she was back in her own apartment by that evening.
She has lots of friends who are checking in on her, as well as the woman who has become a friend, who comes in to take care of her cats. George and I know there are lots of eyes on her, and they all have our information and will not hesitate to let us know if they have concerns. And they are willing to share pictures. ππ

She's sore and bruised and accepting that using the walker is a regular part of life now. It is still a life filled with joy and activity and an amazing attitude.
I would be remiss in acknowledging that she probably was not hurt more because she does work so hard at being strong and fit. As frustrated as those of us who love her can be at her stubbornness, it has brought her back from multiple setbacks that some people would not have recovered from.
Here's hoping we don't get any more phone calls of this nature. ππ