A February Break Visit 2024

The breaks aligned such that Buddie's sister and her youngest kiddo had their February break at the same time as the MCC February break for our crew. Not so aligned was the cold that began with Buds in early February and has slowly worked its way through our whole family, one hapless member at a time. Luckily, these two are flexible, relaxed visitors, hopefully with very strong immune systems.
We have managed to fit in outings and play, and it has been lovely to get time with them.
Four of us had a wonderful outing to The Museum of Play, which has newly expanded and added an interactive area that I could spend even longer in than we did. Lots of game play and new ideas and much laughter.
Two funny and instructive, yet very different games.
"Hair Nah" was created by a Black woman, Momo Pixel, in 2017.

I did not know that people touched Black women's hair without permission? What the heck. Not okay. A great example of video games being a learning tool.

This second game is also teaches a lesson, though not one we want people to learn.
"Death Race" was a fun one for the newest driver to try out. Interestingly Aunt R managed to mow down 4 of the "humanoid gremlins" while Yessa and I only got 3.

We created our avatars and explored all over. It was a lovely afternoon.

In addition to her daily runs, Aunt R. also was willing to give CrossFit a try with us. She did fantastically well on a day that held wall walks, box jumps, and snatches; all of them complex or at least intimidating movements.

Puzzles, good food, visiting, and hanging out. It's been great.

Mocha cannot believe her good luck in having 2 more dog lovers in the house.

Our last night we played Jackbox games and that was hilarious.

The first set of visitors have just left. Second set of visitors, the grandparents, arriving anytime.
What a great week.

Thanks for making the effort, Family. 💖💖